Friday, June 14, 2013

Teachers Teaching Teachers

This week (and some of last week) we had the opportunity to teach each other about the different technological resources we individually researched. Then we posted all of our reviews on the class wikispace.  

I really enjoyed learning from my classmates, we all saved one another a LOT of time because this would have been a massive amount of research if we looked at each source on our own. While every source presented was useful in one way or another, there was one that stopped me in my technological tracks. 

The resource that really had my attention was IPEVO. A colleague showed us how it works and I was sold.  I felt like a kid who gets this particular magazine in the mail around the holidays:

picture from

 And like those precious children, I only had three words for IPEVO... I WANT IT!

The reason I thought this was because I saw so many uses for it in my future classroom and I saw time being saved. Time would be saved because this thing is portable and wireless and connects with the iPad. 

So, what is IPEVO? 
picture from 

It is a wireless, portable document camera! The best thing is the price, schools can actually afford to buy more than one. When my colleague shared this tidbit about cost with us, I wondered how many school have them presently. As she moved around and projected things from different areas in the room, I realized IPEVO can help teachers move through their classrooms during instruction and not be chained to the front (because the stationary document camera is there). Students can also present their work without having to be in front of the class, helping reduce those public speaking jitters. 

Visiting IPEVO's blog, I learned about different ways it can be used in the classroom (for numerous subjects) and read some teacher's opinions of the product. Their opinions were positive; mainly liking the ease of use, portability, and cost. Even educational big wig Kathy Schrock  [see her March 3 post] is on board with this advancement in technology. 

The bottom line:Teachers need to teach other teachers about what it out there and how it can effectively support our students and ourselves. Without my class' Wikispace and research, I would most likely be behind the curve when it comes to technology and other resources in education. So, thanks Heidi for teaching this teacher about something I definitely plan on using one day.

*and thanks to all of my other colleagues, I definitely learned from your presentations too!*

To see an in depth review, visit


  1. I was impressed with IPEVO too! One of my favorite presentations. I'm glad we had the opportunity to hear about so many websites, apps, and tools. I wouldn't have known where to begin looking for some of the stuff we've seen!

  2. Sharon,

    I definitely want an IPEVO too! I never thought I'd be the kind of person to get excited over a piece of technological equipment, but that thing was awesome! I can think of a million different ways to use it in the classroom and I know kids would love using it to show off their work and ideas.

  3. Sharon,

    I don't know about you, but I am starting to worry myself over what kind of technology will be in my classroom in the Fall. Hopefully we all have really up to date teachers and will have a chance to play with one of these. I'm so glad we did this assignment because I feel like I learned so much about the resources that are out there, and so many of them are free!

  4. I loved the opportunity to hear about so many different resources and I love that we have the "Webliography" to refer to later on.

    Also I love that you provide "the bottom line" on all of your blog posts! I think it is a great way to wrap up a blog post and make sure readers see what is most important.
